
Monday, 29 July 2013

Craft Components

We've gone from faux to real. We've moved from dangling our toes in the water to a fully fledged jump - feet first. The holiday has just became a real holiday. I have my husband. I've just finished my last little bit of freelance work. And we have friends here from Sydney. Have you ever noticed how holidays become so much more holidayish when you share them with friends? There's no guilt about that extra glass of red, you know, because everyone else is having one.

The theme of this week is pom poms. When my banker girlfriend Ros isn't talking tax trade offs and corporate take overs she's instructing us on where to place the fabric scissors, tear along the grain people, tear along the grain. We've sat with the correct craft components; cardboard, scissors, material, and copious amounts of wine. We've giggled our way through competitive pom pom making long after the children have gone to bed. Rules have been set.

"Do you think Annie would mind if I cut the fabric for her and started fluffing her pom?"

A gasp.

"You can't fluff someone's pom when they've gone to bed. You just, can't! Plus, she'll kill you if you fluff her pom."

Rule number one. No fluffing someone else's pom pom.

One of the best things about being married to someone for fifteen years is the moment when they do something that completely shocks you. Who knew G was a serious pom pom maker? Within moments of Ros explaining her plan for Christmas pom pom making he began his own study on the most effective time management program. Establishing a position in frontline management he set out to gain as much information as possible.  I've watched G become engrossed in the right choice of material for his pom poms. Serious conversations have been had about cordoroy versus chiffon, the red with the white, the need for a green. As he's weaved the fabric around its cardboard frame I've seen his shoulders relax, his smile broaden and holiday mode takeover. "Dad can you cut me some more material?" say a little voice from the corner.

It's a real holiday.

1 comment:

  1. So you seriously thought you could write about making pom poms out of fabric and NOT include a finished photo? Shame on you. Shame xxxx
